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Check out the latest upgrades of Mindomo which have taken place, including new features, bug fixes and functionality improvements.

23th of September 2024

  • Added functionality: predefined Concept map layouts for Automatic Theme Styling
  • Improved link to topic functionality animation
  • Updated diagram templates for multiple languages
  • Added functionality: summary and boundary customization for Concept maps in the Theme Editor
  • Added new language: Romanian

17th of July 2024

  • New topic-dragging mechanism for more accurate positioning
  • Improved multi-topic dragging to preserve user intention
  • Updated topic-dragging visuals to reflect the new position
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the export of diagrams with background images to PDF and PNG

13th of May 2024

  • Added functionality: possibility of PDF export in multi-page layout
  • Bug fixing: issue related to auto-centering when editing topics with large amounts of text

22nd of April 2024

  • Added functionality: automatic diagram translation
  • Added functionality: ability to choose the language when generating AI content

8th of April 2024

  • Improved data saving for Template Editor

28th of March 2024

  • Added functionality: possibility to include vertical Timelines in other layout types
  • Added functionality: theme structure options for Theme Editor
  • Bug fixing: issue related to saving multicolor styles in Theme Editor
  • Improved Theme Editor diagram generation preview
  • Improved Completed Tasks functionality

21st of March 2024

  • Bug fixing: issue related to Gantt charts' timeline changes not being reflected in PDF exports

20th of March 2024

  • Bug fixing: issue related to the dragging of topics affecting the position of subtopics in Concept Maps

15th of March 2024

  • Bug fixing: issue related to transparent topics' font color over multicolored diagrams
  • Bug fixing: issue related to background color changes not being reflected onto transparent topics' font color

8th of March 2024

  • Bug fixing: issue related to editing relationships/connections
  • Bug fixing: issue related to adjusting connections' position

7th of March 2024

  • Bug fixing: issue related to rendering the fill color from some old diagrams
  • Bug fixing: issue related to import/export functionality within the Theme Editor

5th of March 2024

  • Added functionality: automatic styling for diagrams (new color pallets, custom layouts, and diagram sizing)
  • Added functionality: customizable labels for relationships and concept map connections (edit font, size, style, color)

29th of February 2024

  • Added functionality: Team users can modify the folder type (Private/Team), change folder proprieties and access rights

8th of February 2024

  • Improvement of map loading time
  • Added functionality: self-upgrade for purchasing plans
  • Bug fixing: related to adjusting diagram view for screen fit

17th of January 2024

  • Updated translations for different languages
  • Improvement of the Team administration: now supports adding groups during CSV imports for smoother user management
  • Added new fonts: Courgette, Lexend, Pacifico

21st of December 2023

  • Bug fixing: issue related to moving topics in Drill-Down
  • Bug fixing: issue related to maintaining the style of a topic when dragging it
  • Bug fixing: when moving topics in a diagram with a rainbow color-scheme, the color of the moved topics and the original branch did not update their color scheme.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the background of a diagram remaining light when Notes are open, even when having set a Dark Theme
  • Bug fixing: issue related to strike-through not being able to be unselected in the Theme editor

16th of November 2023

  • Redesigned My Account
  • Redesigned Team Administration

3th of November 2023

  • Bug fixing: issue related to drag and drop of slides in Presenter edit mode
  • Bug fixing: when using certain Fill Styles, shadows are now displayed correctly on all topic shapes

19th of October 2023

  • Added functionality: Mindomo AI for generating AI mind maps (brainstorming, pros and cons, swot analysis) from scratch using text inputs
  • Added functionality: Mindomo AI for expanding existing or new diagrams. This feature includes the addition of AI-generated topics, ideas, questions, notes, brainstorming, SWOT analysis, and pros and cons analysis

17th of October 2023

  • Bug fixing: issue related to setting the full black color on a topic's text

13th of September 2023

  • Added functionality: Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram

30th of August 2023

  • Bug fixing: issue related to the PDF export (with comments and notes included) of mind maps that contain images
  • Improved cloud backup functionality
  • Added functionality: Team owners can make backups of all diagrams within all Team folders

18th of August 2023

  • Bug fixing: related to breaking text during the markdown export of extensive content within topics

4th of August 2023

  • Improvement to the Notes export in PDF file in order to include full notes formatting
  • Added option: exporting Comments and Notes in Outline and Gantt Chart when exporting as PDF file.
  • Added option: exporting Comments for Mind Map Diagram when exporting as PDF file.

20th of July 2023

  • Bug fixing: issue related to opening diagrams that contain summaries

28th of June 2023

  • Improved the time for load and interaction in Gantt diagram
  • Bug fix: Issue related to changing the font family

12th of June 2023

  • Improved application accessibility

19th of May 2023

  • Improved the load time of the mind map diagram.
  • Improved the saving of all customization changes made to a relationship/connection from the moment you opened the context menu in one change.
  • Improved panning speed and response on diagrams.
  • Added support to import multiple diagrams from XMind Zen
  • Improvements related to the selection and editing of the relationships and connections
  • Bug fix: Issue related to opening a diagram that contains invalid boundaries
  • Bug fix: Diagrams with a centered background image made the background centered with the diagram size, not the central topic.
  • Bug fix: Gantt Chart diagram's undo/redo command of indent/outdent/moved action used to focus on the root topic instead of the changed topic
  • Bug fix: Email addresses from notes/comments were not being correctly shown in the hyperlink attachments context menu
  • Bug fixed: issue related to pdf and png export of the diagram that contained summaries

2nd of May 2023

  • Added features to Gantt diagrams: search and filtering
  • Improvements to interaction with the menus - easier access to sub-menus

25th of April 2023

  • Added feature to Gantt diagrams - show/hide columns
  • Added feature to Gantt diagrams - customize task color
  • Added feature to Gantt diagrams - possibility to change the completion level of a task by modifying the progress bar
  • Bugfix: issue related to opening a Freemind file with topics that contain special characters such as <, >

20th of April 2023

  • Added new connection ending: Half Arrow Line
  • Bug fix: issue related to auto-repositioning of Zigzag connection
  • Bug fix: issue related to editing the label for relationships and concept diagram connections in the theme editor
  • Bug fix: issue related to controlling relationship and concept map connection shapes in the theme editor

12nd of April 2023

  • Added new relationship types: Zigzag, Single Angle
  • Added new concept map connection types: Zigzag, Single Angle
  • Updated drawing for relationships
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the opening of the Attachments tab of the Context menu on Outlines and Gantt charts for topics where a video item is already attached

28th of March 2023

  • Ensure node position remains stable when in collaboration mode

14th of March 2023

  • Added new topic shapes: Top Bottom Margin, Table Rectangle, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Wave Rectangle, Cylinder, Fish Head, Multiple Documents, Component, Shadowed Capsule
  • Added new "Week start" option in Map properties which enables changing the calendar to start its weeks with either Auto/Monday/Sunday (where Auto is based on the user's location)

22th of February 2023

  • New layout mechanism that allows for more accurate topic positioning
  • Improved drawing for boundaries and summaries
  • Updated mechanism for topic positioning during drag and drop
  • Added option for multiple timelines on the same diagram
  • Allowing combinations of all layout types on the same diagram

14th of February 2023

  • Improved XMind import: included map theme, corrected topic styles (shapes, colours, text), included boundaries and summaries (with respective styles), corrected main topics order and positioning, fixed floating topics positioning, updated symbols (emojis)
  • Improvement of the resize topic functionality: resize topic can now be done by pressing CTRL/CMD key while resizing in order to avoid unwanted action
  • Bugfix: issue related to dragging and dropping images and files into a map

22nd of December 2022

  • Added functionality: filter Mind Maps and Outlines in View mode
  • Added functionality: filter by text for Outlines and Mind Maps
  • Added functionality: possibility to export only visible topics after text filtering for Outlines and Mind Maps in PDF and PNG format
  • Added functionality: diagram templates for Italian
  • Updated diagram templates for all categories

13th of December 2022

  • Improved time required for exporting a map as pdf, png and pptx.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to presenting slides that contain summary nodes.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the positioning of boundary label for crossed rectangle type.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to redoing the Insert Comment command on a moved node.

28th of November 2022

  • Redesigned the hyperlink menu.
  • Added multiple hyperlinks on a topic functionality.
  • Bugfix: issue related to graphic export when having the "Generate the diagram with background color" option unchecked.
  • Bugfix: issue related to the topic notes not being exported in the correct order for PDF export when having a circular layout.

9th of November 2022

  • Added functionality: diagram templates for Spanish
  • Updated diagram templates for all categories

27th of October 2022

  • Added functionality: allow Template input on Summary nodes
  • Added functionality: allow Summary to be included in copy/paste branch
  • Bugfixing: issue related to inheriting text style from multi-color themes
  • Bugfixing: issue related to interaction after deleting all themes from the theme editor
  • Bugfixing: issue related to editing a relationship label
  • Bugfixing: issue related to fit map
  • Bugfixing: issue related to Center Map in drill-down mode

28th of September 2022

  • Bugfix: issue related to drawing boundaries with label

20th of September 2022

  • Added functionality: dark theme/ night mode.
  • Improved drawing of the connections between topic shapes.

8th of September 2022

  • Added functionality: setting a fixed size to topics.
  • Added shortcut for close/reopen task and for send chat message.
  • Added new connection ending: double circle.
  • Redesigned the image resize handlers.

12th of August 2022

  • Bugfix: issue related to pdf export on timeline diagrams
  • Bugfix: issue related to summary and boundary in presentations
  • Updated drawing of the connections and boundaries for timeline diagrams
  • Updated expand/collapse position on all diagram types

4th of August 2022

  • Bugfix: issue related to showing the preview of comments and notes.
  • Bugfix: issue related to applying a theme on maps with boundaries.

29th of July 2022

  • Added Summary functionality, available on single and multiple topics.
  • Added new topic shapes: Double Bottom Line, Curly Rectangle, Double Sided Rectangle, Bookmark Left, Bookmark Right, Pipe Left, Pipe Right
  • Added new connection endings: Filled Arrow, Square, Arrow Fletching, Reverse Arrow, Half Arrow, Circle, Rounded Arrow, Rhombus, Double Arrow, Flat Line
  • Updated mechanism for customizing the line connection endings.
  • Updated context menu: reorganize topic shape and change predefined colors

7th of July 2022

  • Bugfix: issue related to changing the connection style when applying a topic style
  • Bugfix: issue related to the pattern and start/end style of arrow type connections
  • Bugfix: issue related to drawing the boundaries for the Org Charts layouts
  • Improved drawing of the connections for concept diagrams

1st of July 2022

  • New add boundary to floating topics functionality
  • Added new boundary shapes functionality: crossed rectangle shape and focus shape
  • Added search for font families functionality
  • Bug fixed related to drawing boundaries
  • Bug fixed related to updating boundary followed by Undo

16th of June 2022

  • Added automatic color highlighting for overdue tasks.
  • Added topic links in pdf export for diagrams, outlines, and Gantt charts.
  • Bugfix: issue related to concept map arrow getting stuck in the topic
  • Bugfix: issue related to selecting a boundary when searching on a diagram

10th of June 2022

  • Added functionality to include multiple topics in a boundary
  • Added functionality to add boundary label

4th of May 2022

  • Added functionality to alphabetically sort the subtopics of a topic
  • Added functionality to paste images in the notes panel
  • Added functionality to drag and drop images in the notes panel
  • Improved the loading time for large Outline and Gantt Chart diagrams
  • Bugfix: issue related to dynamically updating search and filter functionality while changing the topic properties
  • Bugfix: issue related to navigating in folders and exporting a map from the dashboard resulted in exporting the map multiple times

4th of April 2022

  • Updated Create Diagram from Branch functionality to include missing data, such as template topics and relationships
  • Bugfix: removed template topics insertion entry from map changes

18th of March 2022

  • Added option to duplicate a diagram directly from the Dashboard
  • Added option to set the text direction to RTL or LTR when the topic contains RTL characters (such as Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Syriac, and Hebrew)
  • Bugfix: issue related to drawing connections for large timeline map format

8th Of March 2022

  • Added icon to view template information on topic
  • Updated diagram templates for all categories

2th Of March 2022

  • Improved the ease of use and the design of the templates by adding the information panel connected to the topics
  • Added new options for templates creation to give more freedom in the creation process

16th Of February 2022

  • Faster loading time and interaction on large diagrams

1st Of February 2022

  • Improved the Microsoft Word Format (.docx) export: better look and feel, added options to select what content to be exported, added functionality to generate a Table of Contents, and added functionality to export images and icons from topics, comments, and notes.
  • Faster loading time and interaction on large diagrams.-

14th Of January 2022

  • Added new topic shapes: Angle Brackets, Double Angle Brackets, Round Brackets, Square Brackets, Curly Brackets, Photo Frame, Upwards Arrow, Downwards Arrow, Triangle, Upside Down Triangle
  • Added new topic connection style: Straight Connection
  • Added option to insert an external image as a diagram background
  • Added diagram templates for Education and Work/Personal usage

20th Of December 2021

  • Added new topic shapes: Cloud, Shield, Heart, Star, Diamond, Tear

15th Of December 2021

  • Added an option called "Hide wiki" that hides the template guidelines panel
  • Bugfix: fixing the issue of automatically changing the font when adding text to a topic
  • Improvement of the copy-paste functionality on the diagrams that have a default branch set: now plain text pasted on the diagram takes the style of the default branch-

25th Of November 2021

  • Redesigned 'Create' menu: overview of all public Templates categorized by their use case
  • Improved Search functionality for Templates based on your interests
  • Added option to set predefined private and shared team/school templates to enable quicker usage

19th Of November 2021

  • Presenter: redesigned functionality, added options to duplicate slide and present notes from slides
  • Text Style menu: displaying font previews, added new fonts (Arvo, Droid Serif, Lobster Two, Montserrat, Open Sans, Raleway, Raleway Dots, Roboto Condensed, Roboto Slab, Kalam, Lora, JetBrains Mono)

27th Of October 2021

  • Switched to JWT cloud authentication
  • Gantt chart: improve loading time

15th Of October 2021

  • Gantt chart: added option to insert task above and below
  • Updated Shortcuts panel
  • Outline: improved copy/paste functionality
  • Added option to edit the topic title in the Comments panel

8th of October 2021

  • Edit topic title from the comments panel
  • Non blocking template panel
  • Shortcuts panel with filtering
  • Better handling of copy paste in outline

30th of September 2021

  • Added option to see recent maps
  • Added option to insert mentions to comments and e-mail the comment to the mentioned person

24th Of September 2021

  • Apply various topic styles from the context menu

3rd of September 2021

  • Updated the default diagram theme for supported import file formats
  • Added option to insert images into notes
  • Added diagram templates for Education and Work/Personal usage
  • Bugfix: issue related to exporting diagram and Gantt chart as pdf
  • Bugfix: issue related to copy-paste on topics

17th of August 2021

  • Updated translations for different languages

19th of May 2021

New, redesigned interface with more space for your diagrams and new functionality

  • Introduced an advanced Color Picker with an unlimited number of colors and previously used colors saving option

  • Redesigned tasks' checkboxes

  • Introduced topic deselection

  • Revamped comments and notes panels (normal and maximized)

  • Beautified timeline for map changes

  • Introduced timeline for topic changes

  • Moved functionality from the left sidebar in the topic’s context menu

  • Improved context menu organization

18th of March 2021

  • Added timeline map format

10th of March 2021

  • Improved PNG export resolution

23th of February 2021

  • Added Ghost User functionality.
  • This is an inactive user, linked to your account and can be used only for planning purposes, without being linked to an e-mail address

12th of February 2021

  • Added option to export filtered topics to .pdf, .docx, .txt, .opml, .mpx, .xml, .png, .xls, .md
  • Added option to make a copy of the map showing only filtered content

10th of February 2021

  • Added new topic shapes: Curly, Letter, Stack

3th of February 2021

  • Improved search functionality: added Arabic, Finnish, Chinese, and Korean language support

19th of January 2021

  • Bugfix: issue related to incorrect date set up when adding comments
  • Bugfix: issue related to setting topic's end date and start date

14th of January 2021

  • Added functionality for moving multiple topics
  • Bugfix: issue related to the order of topics when exporting Outline and Gantt to OPML, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Markdown, Microsoft Word, or text

10th of December 2020

  • Added option for including topic style when exporting branch
  • Added option to search for tasks on all mind maps
  • Added option to filter the latest maps modified

4th of December 2020

  • Redesigned the choose map dialog from assignment and MS Teams

26th of November 2020

  • Added option to export slides as .pdf

26th of October 2020

  • Updated the mind map assignment grading mechanism
  • Added PNG export for Gantt chart and Outline
  • Bugfix: issue related to the order of topics on the map when exporting to OPML, text, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Markdown and Microsoft Word

7th of September 2020

  • Corrected image orientation at upload
  • Improved Content Security Policy (CSP)
  • Bug fix: issue when updating due date on the mind map assignment
  • Bug fix on Gantt related to cutting-pasting topics
  • Bug fix: if there were no slides created on the map, the download slides process wouldn't work

29th of July 2020

  • Update to ES6

9th of July 2020

  • Added recurrence feature with email notifications
  • Added recurrence feature on iCal Task Feed
  • Allow "Create map from branch" option on free accounts within the 3 mind map limitation
  • Fixed several minor issues on the mind map

2nd of July 2020

  • Added preview for the comments added to topics
  • Improved map loading time
  • Fixed several minor issues related to the Gantt chart

12th of May 2020

  • Redesigned the dialog for creating new maps, added option to choose a theme for the new map
  • Added new colorful themes
  • Added multicolor themes with different fill and border colors
  • Added new connection style: Angle Elbow
  • Added new topic shape: Drop
  • Added options to set the line format as: Tapered, Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Triple or Arrow
  • Theme editor: Added option to clone and order themes
  • Updated and increased the size of the icons: Like, comment, notes, hyperlink, etc...
  • Icons are displayed with the style of the topic
  • Removed favicons shown when adding hyperlinks, the globe icon will always be displayed instead
  • Redesigned outline
  • Added zoom in/zoom out functionality on outline

13th of April 2020

  • Added option to set the line color as topic border color
  • Theme Editor functionality (allow to customize extra topic styles)
  • Theme Editor functionality (added options to clone the current theme)
  • Bug fixed when rendering the collaboration label
  • Fixed several bugs on the Gantt chart

14th of February 2020

  • Direct access to emojis from topic context menu
  • Redesigned shape and boundary tab on topic context menu

11th of February 2020

  • Updated icon library
  • Updated and added categories for icon panel
  • Priority and completion are done with the new icons

07th of February 2020

  • Added functionality to export topic description to Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) format

18th of December 2019

  • Improvements on undo/redo notifications
  • Translation to Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian

2nd of December 2019

  • Added the show closed tasks option
  • Added notifications on undo/redo actions on topic
  • Added export option to OneDrive and Dropbox

5th of November 2019

  • Updated external libraries
  • Improved map loading time
  • Improved changing start date and due date
  • Bugfix: saving topic description
  • Bugfix: automatically setting start date and due date for new Gantt charts
  • Added export size options for Microsoft Word format

18th of September 2019

  • Security enhancements for Desktop application
  • Improved Gantt Charts pdf printing for Desktop application
  • Improved Gantt Charts visualization for Desktop application

11th of September 2019

  • Implemented 3D secure payment
  • Improved search functionality: added multi-language search option

2nd of September 2019

  • Security enhancements
  • Translated Homepage into French and Spanish
  • Translated Help page into French

14th of August 2019

  • Completely redesigned web page
  • Website responsive design improvements for mobile
  • Update purchase packages
  • Add new use-cases for personal, business, education
  • Add new pages for each product with detailed description (Gantt, outline, concept)

28th of June 2019

  • Implement map template functionality
  • Refactoring: remove the old smart template functionality
  • Add "fit map to window" functionality
  • Change the create new map functionality
  • Improvements on notes panel

07th of June 2019

  • Improvements for touchscreen devices
  • Improvements on insert relationship functionality
  • Fixed: Correctly calculate canvas size for Organigram layout
  • Fixed: Date selector not showing custom date format properly

10th of April 2019

  • Updated task map functionality on mind maps
  • Added hashtag functionality
  • Updated the map search functionality with filters
  • Added option of embedding video/image + audio simultaneously on a topic
  • Redesigned multimedia panels
  • Updated comments functionality to allow multimedia attachments
  • Redesigned topic context menu to include the task functionality

12th of March 2019

  • New topic shapes (cloud, speech bubble and speech bubble outline)
  • Improved search functionality

22th of January 2019

  • Concept map topics re-position
  • Root spread connection drawing
  • Numbering on organigram maps
  • Multi-branch color functionality on organigram maps
  • Added map background context menu functionality to Theme Editor

18th of January 2019

  • Image from gallery or from personal files as map background
  • Inserting a topic with copied style
  • Option for connection line color to determine topic color
  • Multi-branch color functionality
  • Rainbow palette functionality
  • Customizable topic margins (color, thickness)
  • Variety of line types (straight, arc, rough, curve, elbow, rounded elbow, angle, no line)
  • Customizable connections (thickness, color, the distance between children topics or parent-children topics, anchor points)
  • Variety of topic shapes (rectangle, rounded rectangle, elliptic rectangle, circle, oval, line, capsule, parallelogram, hexagon, rounded hexagon, diamond, left arrow, right arrow, delay, trapeze)
  • Customizable paddings for each side of the text in a topic (top, right, bottom, and left)
  • Default relationship style
  • Variety of topic boundaries (straight line, rounded line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, wavy, etc.)
  • Improved Theme Editor functionality (custom themes for mind maps, concept maps, and organigrams)

30th of October 2018

  • Front End optimization and performance improvements

5th of September 2018

  • DOCX format for Microsoft Word export

2nd of August 2018

  • Gantt Chart functionality available in the online and Desktop versions

16th of July 2018

  • Spellchecker available in the Desktop Application

14th of June 2018

  • Search functionality available in the outline view for normal mind maps
  • Running multiple instances of Mindomo Desktop on Mac

24th of May 2018

  • Redesigned Share panel in the online version
  • Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
  • Improvements related to GDPR compliance - option to permanently delete all mind maps and personal information from the Mindomo account

15th of May 2018

  • Functionality to export comments from Task Maps

4th of May 2018

  • Theme Editor now available in the Desktop Application

7th of April 2018

  • In PPTX format, new outline view is available for each presentation slide

23rd of March 2018

  • Introducing the new Assignments templates
  • Improved security in order to prevent inline script execution

6th of March 2018

  • Import from Excel functionality

2nd of February 2018

  • Redesigned Mind Map Assignments

12th of January 2018

  • Improved ‘Sync & Save Online’ feature to save local maps and all their attached files in the cloud.

12th of November 2017

  • Added export functionality to Microsoft Project in an XML format

10th of October 2017

  • New sharing functionality in the Desktop Application - new Pack Map format that compresses a mind map and all its attached files into a single .pmom file saved locally .

24th of September 2017

  • Migration from MySQL to Cassandra

5th of July 2017

  • Security improvements

3rd of June 2017

  • Improved loading time in the Desktop Application

17th of May 2017

  • Notes and Comments dialog introduced in Outlines
  • Hyperlink attachment to Outline
  • Task Outline available on the Desktop app

12th of April 2017

  • Updated Help Page
  • Added context menu functionality in Task Outlines

5th of April 2017

  • New saving mechanism with .json file - temporary file that is shown when a large map is being saved because saving very large maps can take several seconds

21st of March 2017

  • Saving mechanism improved on Desktop - introduced saving option without the history of changes, especially to improve loading time for large maps

6th of March 2017

  • More editing formats in Notes (insert code block, adding quotes).
  • Mathematical formulas.
  • Direct links and videos.
  • Multiple selection in Outlines and Task outlines.

15th of February 2017

Multilingual Desktop Application.

16th of January 2017

  • Mind Map Assignments upgrades - instant access for students and a brand new grading mechanism.

20th of September 2016

  • Mindomo Desktop 8.0.. - easy installation, same interface as in the online version, diversified map layouts, and no limitations on importing and exporting files.

12th of April 2016

  • Task Mind Mapping functionality - a new type of mind map for flexible task management.

12th of October 2015

  • Outline feature. New feature that allows you to turn your mind maps into real-time editable outlines.

21th of August 2015

Office 365 integration. Mindomo was added to the Office Store.

12th of August 2015

  • Courses were redesigned and transformed into Assignments.

24th of June 2015

  • New playback mode for visualizing the changes on a mind map. A video-like playback function will let you see exactly how and by whom was a mind map built.

16th of June 2015

  • Redesigned Dashboard. Mind maps, projects and courses(assignments) are shown in the same Dashboard. Folder navigation is also updated to be more accessible for the users.

3rd of June 2015

  • Integration with Clever.

14th of April 2015

  • User creation without e-mail addresses possible for school licenses.

2nd of February 2015

  • Brand new apps for iPad and for Android devices

12th of October 2014

  • LTI Assignments created.

25th September 2014 (appv.7.5 dbv.7.5, dskv.6.89)

  • Added Mindomo Courses for teachers.

26th August 2014 (appv.7.5 dbv.7.5, dskv.6.89)

  • Added Google Drive integration.
  • Backup maps using Dropbox or FTP

1th August 2014 (appv.7.5 dbv.7.5, dskv.6.89)

  • Posibility to use Mindomo from LTI systems.

14th April 2014 (appv.7.0 dbv.6.89, dskv.6.89)

  • Changed the editor to HTML 5 for modern browsers.

30th January 2014 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.88, dskv.6.88)

  • Added support for different resolution on Android devices.

2th December 2013 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.88, dskv.6.88)

  • Changed the viewer to HTML 5 for modern browsers.

25th Aug 2013 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.86, dskv.6.86)

  • Add user history page.
  • Add tasks due/overdue notifications.

10th Aug 2013 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.86, dskv.6.86)

  • Add all tasks/conversations/mind-maps/notes/resources pages.
  • Added Trash Can to allow deleted items recovery.

5th July 2013 (appv.6.85 dbv.6.85, dskv.6.85)

  • Add project favorites.
  • Introduce daily email notifications.

15th June 2013 (appv.6.85 dbv.6.85, dskv.6.85)

  • Add options to allow conversation/task/notes/resource creation via email.
  • Add ability to reply to comments via email.
  • Add project history and daily overview.
  • Breadcrumbs navigation for Projects

3th June 2013 (appv.6.85 dbv.6.85, dskv.6.85)

  • Add abitily to import/export themes.
  • Fixed spell checker for Mindomo Desktop.

20th May 2013 (appv.6.83 dbv.6.83, dskv.6.83)

  • Add comment notifications via email.
  • Add resource and mind-map options to comments.
  • Add project share options.
  • Project delete/archive options

8th May 2013 (appv.6.83 dbv.6.83, dskv.6.83)

  • Published Beta version of Mindomo Projects.

16th January 2013 (appv.6.83 dbv.6.83, dskv.6.83)

  • Redesigned the Dashboard.

12th November 2012 (appv.6.82 dbv.6.82, dskv.6.82)

  • Added labels to define relationships

22th October 2012 (appv.6.78 dbv.6.79, dskv.6.79)

  • Redesigned the team and the classroom administration pages
  • Redesigned the website
  • Fixed some bugs

3th September 2012 (appv.6.78 dbv.6.78, dskv.6.78)

  • Added new packages: Classroom, Professional, Academic
  • Redesigned my account
  • Import from
  • Export and save maps from viewer
  • Improved the map notifications

28th June 2012 (appv.6.76 dbv.6.76, dskv.6.76)

  • Theme editor
  • Import from XMind
  • Handle touch gesture in Mindomo Desktop

12th June 2012 (appv.6.75 dbv.6.75, dskv.6.75)

  • Improved time loading images on a map
  • New shortcut for inserting a relationship
  • New login and sign up form
  • Small bug fixes

10th May 2012 (appv.6.73 dbv.6.73, dskv.6.73)

  • iPad compatibility
  • Free users can save maps on their local computers
  • Import from Mindmeister
  • Improved shortcuts
  • Improved exporting

26th August 2014 (appv.7.5 dbv.7.5, dskv.6.89)

  • Added Google Drive integration.
  • Backup maps using Dropbox or FTP

1th August 2014 (appv.7.5 dbv.7.5, dskv.6.89)

  • Posibility to use Mindomo from LTI systems.

14th April 2014 (appv.7.0 dbv.6.89, dskv.6.89)

  • Changed the editor to HTML 5 for modern browsers.

30th January 2014 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.88, dskv.6.88)

  • Added support for different resolution on Android devices.

2th December 2013 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.88, dskv.6.88)

  • Changed the viewer to HTML 5 for modern browsers.

25th Aug 2013 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.86, dskv.6.86)

  • Add user history page.
  • Add tasks due/overdue notifications.

10th Aug 2013 (appv.6.86 dbv.6.86, dskv.6.86)

  • Add all tasks/conversations/mind-maps/notes/resources pages.
  • Added Trash Can to allow deleted items recovery.

5th July 2013 (appv.6.85 dbv.6.85, dskv.6.85)

  • Add project favorites.
  • Introduce daily email notifications.

15th June 2013 (appv.6.85 dbv.6.85, dskv.6.85)

  • Add options to allow conversation/task/notes/resource creation via email.
  • Add ability to reply to comments via email.
  • Add project history and daily overview.
  • Breadcrumbs navigation for Projects

3th June 2013 (appv.6.85 dbv.6.85, dskv.6.85)

  • Add abitily to import/export themes.
  • Fixed spell checker for Mindomo Desktop.

20th May 2013 (appv.6.83 dbv.6.83, dskv.6.83)

  • Add comment notifications via email.
  • Add resource and mind-map options to comments.
  • Add project share options.
  • Project delete/archive options

8th May 2013 (appv.6.83 dbv.6.83, dskv.6.83)

  • Published Beta version of Mindomo Projects.

16th January 2013 (appv.6.83 dbv.6.83, dskv.6.83)

  • Redesigned the Dashboard.

12th November 2012 (appv.6.82 dbv.6.82, dskv.6.82)

  • Added labels to define relationships

22th October 2012 (appv.6.78 dbv.6.79, dskv.6.79)

  • Redesigned the team and the classroom administration pages
  • Redesigned the website
  • Fixed some bugs

3th September 2012 (appv.6.78 dbv.6.78, dskv.6.78)

  • Added new packages: Classroom, Professional, Academic
  • Redesigned my account
  • Import from
  • Export and save maps from viewer
  • Improved the map notifications

28th June 2012 (appv.6.76 dbv.6.76, dskv.6.76)

  • Theme editor
  • Import from XMind
  • Handle touch gesture in Mindomo Desktop

12th June 2012 (appv.6.75 dbv.6.75, dskv.6.75)

  • Improved time loading images on a map
  • New shortcut for inserting a relationship
  • New login and sign up form
  • Small bug fixes

10th May 2012 (appv.6.73 dbv.6.73, dskv.6.73)

  • iPad compatibility
  • Free users can save maps on their local computers
  • Import from Mindmeister
  • Improved shortcuts
  • Improved exporting

2th April 2012 (appv.6.72 dbv.6.72, dskv.6.72)

  • Bing Image Search
  • Added Idea Grabber
  • Improved printing in drill down mode
  • Fixed a bug in Google Apps login mechanism
  • Import contacts from Yahoo

14th March 2012 (appv.6.71 dbv.6.71, dskv.6.71)

  • In Map Search
  • Mindomo Bookmarks
  • Integration with Evernote
  • Improved Importing (Freemind, MindManager)
  • Export in Freemind
  • Import/Export OPML
  • Import Text
  • Add videos from Vimeo
  • Strikethrough

22th December 2011 (appv.6.63 dbv.6.63, dskv.6.63)

  • Mindomo Presenter
  • Collaborators Location Tracking

29th November 2011 (appv.6.62 dbv.6.62, dskv.6.62)

  • Mindomo for Google Apps released

21st November 2011 (appv.6.61 dbv.6.61, dskv.6.61)

  • Mindmomo presenter: Interactive presentation mode for Mind Maps

6th October 2011 (appv.6.03 dbv.6.03, dskv.6.03)

  • Tracking on which topic are the collaborators in real-time

6th September 2011 (appv.6.01 dbv.6.0, dskv.6.01)

  • Mindomo 6 - Major version
  • A new simplified interface
  • A new viewer
  • Orgchart and FreeForm layouts
  • Multimaps
  • Context Menus
  • Drill down
  • Pan and zoom
  • Audio Notes
  • Drag to Insert
  • New Icons
  • Many small improvements

11th March 2011 (appv.5.19 dbv.5.19, dskv.5.19)

  • Feature: Added Business support for Microsoft Server SQL 2008 and Glassfish
  • Feature: Redesigned Mindomo Admin module
  • Feature: Redesigned the website for Business

25th February 2011 (appv.5.18 dbv.5.18, dskv.5.18)

  • Feature: Improved loading maps performance

11th February 2011 (appv.5.17 dbv.5.17, dskv.5.17)

  • Feature: Added a mechanism to put unsaved maps in browser cache
  • Feature: Improved the mechanism for detecting map errors
  • Bugfix:Several bugs were fixed.

27th January 2011 (appv.5.14 dbv.5.14, dskv.5.14)

  • Feature: Added an affiliate scheme
  • Feature: Redesigned Mindomo Account

6th January 2011 (appv.5.13 dbv.5.13, dskv.5.13)

  • Feature: Full Dashboard Redesign
  • Feature: Improved the folder access model
  • Feature: Added Facebook login
  • Feature: Improved contact dialog
  • Bugfix:Several bugs were fixed.

12th November 2010 (appv.5.11 dbv.5.11, dskv.5.11)

  • Feature: Improved the import from Freemind
  • Feature: Added Back/Next navigation
  • Feature: Improved several usability problems
  • Bugfix:Several bugs were fixed.

21th October 2010 (appv.5.09 dbv.5.09, dskv.5.09)

  • Feature: Added a notification system for changes on a map
  • Bugfix:Several bugs were fixed.

6th October 2010 (appv.5.08 dbv.5.08, dskv.5.08)

  • Feature: New website
  • Bugfix:Several bugs were fixed.

30th September 2010 (appv.5.07 dbv.5.07, dskv.5.07)

  • Feature: Create Idea-Evaluation for topics
  • Bugfix: Copy & paste exception
  • Bugfix: There are some bugs when browser is full screen
  • Bugfix: Export PDF doesn't display well the task info
  • Bugfix: Update commandsFromOrder in MOM - problem
  • Bugfix: A title with brackets throws exception when rendering command in History

14th September 2010 (appv.5.06 dbv.5.06, dskv.5.06)

  • Feature: Create a button to copy the chat content to clipboard
  • Bugfix:When synchronize a map the default style should be sent.
  • Bugfix:Modify change style commands to store the map template
  • Bugfix:Disable browser for read-only maps
  • Bugfix:Disable the ribbon completely in demo mode
  • Bugfix:Resources are not cloned at Save As

8th September 2010 (appv.5.05 dbv.5.05, dskv.5.05)

  • Feature: Improved sharing panel.
  • Feature: Improved the Chat Dialog
  • Feature: Stop receiving more than one message with server is going down
  • Bugfix: Encrypted map opening was not working well.
  • Bugfix: Set As Default style causes error in desktop verison.
  • Bugfix: Import MOM 2.0 link to topic correction
  • Bugfix: MOM Loader nodePlaceholder

25th August 2010 (appv.5.04 dbv.5.0, dskv.5.04)

  • Feature: Implemented e-mail notifications.
  • Feature: Export branch to a new map.
  • Feature: Remove attachments feature.
  • Feature: Styles include boundary styling.
  • Bugfix: Offline maps synchronization.
  • Bugfix: Real-time collaboration.
  • Bugfix: Auto-save.
  • Bugfix: Versioning.

11th August 2010 (appv.5.03, dbv.5.0, dskv.5.03)

  • Bugfix: Offline maps synchronization.
  • Bugfix: Real-time collaboration.
  • Bugfix: Auto-save.
  • Bugfix: Versioning.

1st August 2010 (appv.5.02, dbv.5.0, dskv.5.02)

  • Feature: Offline maps synchronization.
  • Bugfix: Real-time collaboration.
  • Bugfix: Auto-save.
  • Bugfix: Versioning.

7th July 2010 (appv.5.01, dbv.5.0, dskv.4.3)

  • Feature: Topics can be resized and have a maximum value.
  • Bugfix: Real-time collaboration.
  • Bugfix: Auto-save.
  • Bugfix: Versioning.

21th June 2010 (appv.5.0, dbv.5.0, dskv.4.3)

01st April 2010 (appv.4.4, dbv.2.7, dskv.4.3)

  • Feature: YouTube player is using the official youtube api.
  • Feature: Chat and real-time collaboration completely rewritten.
  • Feature: Chat messages are stored on the server now.
  • Feature: New maps are created immediately on the server. (necessary for the upcoming auto-save feature)
  • Feature: Exporting is done in the server-side.
  • Feature: Exporting to mmap is working with floating topics.
  • Bugfix: Map size couldn't be bigger than 10000.
  • Bugfix: E-mails were sent multiple time.
  • Bugfix: Newly registered users had no access to the forum.
  • Bugfix: Youtube was not working well.

15th January 2010 (appv.4.3, dbv.2.6, dskv.4.2)

  • Feature: New sharing dialog (simplified GUI).
  • Feature: Chat dialog is shown when a message is received.
  • Bugfix: Locking mechanism was not functioning correctly.

22nd December 2009 (appv.4.2, dbv.2.6, dskv.4.2)

  • Feature: PDF Export allows CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters.
  • Feature: Resizing images preserves the aspect ratio
  • Feature: Google Image search was added
  • Feature: During invitation sending, it is possible to filter the contacts.
  • Feature: Searching will search in topic title and topic description
  • Bugfix: Do you want to save? message is correctly handled during closing and creating new maps.
  • Bugfix: Improved MMAP importing.

23rd November 2009 (appv.4.1, dbv.2.6, dskv.4.1)

  • Feature: OpenID login and signup
  • Feature: Better notification system about the Premium Features
  • Feature: Mindomo Team, custom folder sharing, custom groups, team name
  • Feature: Purchasing of Mindomo Team
  • Feature: Refactorized serverside code.
  • Feature: New style
  • Bugfix: floating topics were not movable after the first save.
  • Bugfix: Several other bugfixes.

10th October 2009 (appv.4.0, dbv.2.5(2), dskv.4.0)

  • Feature: Autocalculate task info
  • Feature: Autonumbering
  • Feature: Task Filtering
  • Feature: Recyclebin functionality
  • Feature: Add images from Wikipedia and Flickr
  • Feature: Add videos from YouTube
  • Feature: Split and Merge functionality
  • Feature: Password protect and encrypt public maps
  • Feature: New dialog for showing friends and resources
  • Feature: New map styles
  • Feature: New icon pack
  • Feature: New style, new pages
  • Feature: New content: mind mapping, videos
  • Feature: Internal Web Browser (Desktop only)
  • Feature: Offline Spellchecker (Desktop only)
  • Update: Account and Team management from the Dashboard.
  • Fix: Improved export to PDF.

06th June 2009 (appv.3.15, dbv.2.5, dskv.1.4 (update))

  • Feature: Moved to more performant servers
  • Feature: Replaced JForum with PHPBB
  • Bugfix: Sending e-mails with several locales didn't work well

14th May 2009 (appv.3.15, dbv.2.4, dskv.1.4 (update))

  • Feature: New type of Excel export with Gantt Chart Data
  • Feature: Mindomo Editor is automatically focused after loading.
  • Feature: Fields in the property window are editable now.
  • Feature: Mindomo Desktop contains the translations.
  • Feature: Save language and tag fields to MOM xml.
  • Feature: Browse page will automatically show maps in the selected language.
  • Feature: All maps which are saved in the public folder are shown in the browse page.
  • Bugfix: Youtube bug fixed.
  • Bugfix: Streaming channel replaced with the normal polling channel due to improper functioning.
  • Bugfix: Fixed the "access denied" page in the maps/mapid pages.
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Desktop: Images didn't work well in OS-X.

1st May 2009 (appv.3.14, dbv.2.4, dskv.1.3 (update))

  • Feature: Improved the folder list dialog.
  • Feature: Added new fields for users.
  • Feature: Extended the My Account page.
  • Feature: Added version number to the desktop installer.
  • Feature: Implmented profile hits functionality.
  • Feature: All maps which are saved in the public folder are shown in the browse page.
  • Bugfix: Copy/paste topics between two maps.
  • Bugfix: Western European characters didn't work in PDF export.
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Desktop: Images didn't work well in OS-X.

27 April 2009 (appv.3.13, dbv.2.4, dskv.1.2 (update))

  • Feature: Every user has a profile page.
  • Feature: Users may comment on public maps.
  • Feature: Language and Tags properties were introduced on maps
  • Feature: Improved save dialog!
  • Feature: Browse page creates a tag cloud for every language, language filters can be used to search maps.
  • Feature: If language is not set it will be automatically detected on the server.
  • Feature: Changed the Embed code which doesn't contain javascript.
  • Feature: Implemented the hosted version for Mindomo Online.
  • Feature: Added real-time chat window. (beta only)
  • Feature: Mindomo Desktop: Added new file browser dialog.
  • Feature: Server: Removed dependency on tomcat.
  • Feature: Server: Using DBCP commons.
  • Feature: Server: User Connection management is done differently
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Desktop: Timeouts during saving and loading.
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Desktop: Usernames which had non-ascii characters were not correctly displayed
  • Bugfix: Youtube video was not working (due to changes on youtube site).
  • Bugfix: Fixed the multiline overlap during insert link to topic.

7 March 2009 (appv.3.12, dbv.2.3, dskv.1.1 (update))

  • Feature: Premium users can save and load maps directly to their computer in Mindomo XML Map format.
  • Feature: New Mindomo Desktop version, with Office 2007 like border and titlebar.
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Desktop: Selecting files had a bug.
  • Bugfix: After copy and paste the icons couldn't be change.
  • Bugfix: Spellchecking was not working correctly. It didn't check the notes.
  • Bugfix: Changing the access rights on the public map from the Properties window didn't work.
  • Bugfix: Import/Export to MMAP is working for floating topics.
  • Bugfix: Import/Export to RTF is working for floating topics.

22 January 2009 (appv.3.11, dbv.2.3 (update))

  • Feature: Publishing has new option to show the description window at start.
  • Bugfix: Moving floating topics when zoomed.
  • Bugfix: Search replace.
  • Bugfix: Import MMAP issues.
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Business/Education creation scripts for version 2.3 didn't update the version info in the database.

16 January 2009 (appv.3.11, dbv.2.3 (update))

  • Feature: Added floating topics.
  • Feature: Double-click inserts new maintopic to the clicked location.
  • Feature: Layout engine is rewritten.
  • Feature: Multiple node-view support implemented.
  • Feature: Find/Replace was implemented.

16 December 2008 (appv.3.10, dbv.2.3 (update))

  • Bugfix: Bullet in richtext notes destroyed the formatting for all other notes.
  • Bugfix: Invalid MMAP format importing is also supported now.
  • Bugfix: Exporting the notes to RTF, HTML and TXT had a problem with keeping the new lines.
  • Bugfix: Installing Mindomo Business/Education had some problems with the paths.
  • Bugfix: Mindomo Desktop Save As didn't update the title.

29 November 2008 (appv.3.10, dbv.2.3)

  • Feature: Added true PDF Export. The complete map can be exported in vectorial PDF format.
  • Limitations: Asian characters are not supported, gradients are not supported, dashed lines are not supported, transparent images are not supported.
  • Feature & bugfix: Map rendering was rewritten, and a couple of bugs (connection points between lines) were fixed.
  • Feature: Searching maps based on their names and description, both from the public or the private area.

27 October 2008 (appv.3.9, dbv.2.3)

  • Feature: Added HTML Export option with various templates.
  • Feature: Added upgrade script for version 1.1 of the database.
  • Bugfix: Map locking at multiple editing was solved.

06 October 2008 (v.3.8)

  • Feature: Possibility to add maps to favorites.
  • Feature: Drag & drop of maps between folders.
  • Feature: Added HTML View for maps.
  • Feature: Partial spanish translation was added.
  • Bugfix: Spellcheck problem solved.
  • Bugfix: Fixed bug with save as loosing the link to a topic.

05 September 2008 (v.3.7)

  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with encrypted map opening from the map browser.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with canceling the uploading of images/documents.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with saving map-to-map links in encrypted documents.
  • Bugfix: Fixed memory leak in image downloading module.

21 August 2008 (v.3.6)

  • Feature: Upload images and insert to topics. Limited to 100MB/user (available for premium users only)
  • Feature: Preview for images in the browser page.
  • Feature: Fullscreen functionality in the viewer.
  • Feature: Favicon support for URLs.
  • Feature: Possibility to change the alignment of the multimedia(image,video).
  • Feature: If viewer fail to load a map it shows a nicer window.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue with boundary drawing.
  • Bugfix: Fixed the autorize bug which appeared whenever a map was zoomed to a very low value and the user clicked on expand/collapse.

11 August 2008 (v.3.6)

  • Feature: Upload documents and attach to topics. Limited to 100MB/user (available for premium users only)
  • Feature: Insert Video to topic
  • Feature: Insert Audio to topic
  • Feature: The Map Canvas is automatically resized to contain all available topics.
  • Feature: Translation to Chinese, Italian, Russian
  • Bugfix: Improved performance of drawing curves.
  • Bugfix: Fixed the FitMap bug.
  • Bugfix: Checked Remember me at login didn't allow to logout.
  • Extended the servers with additional hardware.

26 May 2008 (v.3.5)

  • Feature: Export to Microsoft Excel (XLS) (available for premium users only)
  • Feature: Redesigned Mindomo Customer site (for Mindomo Business and Education) version 2.0.
  • Bugfix: Making possible to show the search box during embedding.

10 May 2008

  • Bugfix: Sometimes changing password disabled the account.
  • Bugfix: Export options were not taken into consideration during exporting.
  • Bugfix: Deleting relationship made impossible to add new relationship.
  • Bugfix: Dialog launcher was not disabled when all maps where closed, which caused an exception.

17 April 2008

  • Feature: Redesigned complete web site.
  • Feature: Redesigned "Maps" page. Maps may be shown categorized or in folders.
  • Feature: Localization to German and Swedish.
  • Feature: Map-to-Map links are now possible
  • Feature: Topic links are now possible
  • Feature: Hyperlinks may be started in the same window or in a new window.
  • Feature: Automatic reconnect after network connection failure.
  • Feature: Last modification date is converted acording to the user's local timezone.
  • Feature: Possibility to log in from the editor in the eventuality of a session timeout (after 10 minutes of inactivity the users will be automatically logged out).
  • Feature: Possibility to login and save a map from the demo mode.
  • Feature: Possibility to configure how Mindomo starts: same window, new tab, popup window
  • Feature: Remember me option at the login page
  • Feature: Status icon showing the status green/red if Mindomo is connected/disconnected to/from the server.
  • Feature: Notifications when multiple users open the same map.
  • Feature: Logout button on top right of the Mindomo editor
  • Bugfix: Corrected bug of spellchecking topics with nodes
  • Bugfix: Corrected bug of searching the root element
  • Bugfix: Corrected bug of locking maps when users have only read rights
  • Bugfix: Deleteing central topic is disabled.
  • Bugfix: Switching between tabs always selected the central topic.
  • Bugfix: Delete button deletes the selected image, relationship or topic.

21 January 2008

  • Feature: New printing dialog with advanced printing options:
  • the number of pages you want to print your map
  • paper format
  • orientation
  • margins
  • measurement units, etc...
  • There were many users who complained about the poor printing in Mindomo. We have listened their complaints and created a new dialog which will let you print your maps in all kinds of formats. However we were limited by the printing functionality in the Flash Player, but we hope that we managed to find a good compromise. Due to the fact that there is no way that we change the printer paperformat and orientation from the program, it remains for the user to do the same settings twice. Once for the preview and once for the printer. We show a couple of warning messages to remember the user this repetitive task and we hope that this will make the users to remember to change the printer's settings.

10 January 2008

  • Bugfix: Corrected bug of changing connection width
  • Bugfix: Connected the list of available link protocols
  • During the update we mistakenly uploaded a version of Mindomo which contained half implemented upcoming features. Only a small amount of users should have connected to this version, those users should refresh their browser cache in order to reload the actual version. To refresh your browser cache please press Ctrl+F5 key combination (Works only under Windows: Firefox and IE)

26 November 2007

  • Feature: Possibility to create folders / subfolders
  • Feature: Possibility to copy and paste maps between folders
  • premium users are now able to create subfolders in the Private Maps folder and to organize their maps into different categories.
  • Feature: Possibility to filter out maps by name or by author from the Map Browser