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Check out the latest upgrades of Mindomo Desktop which have taken place, including new features, bug fixes and functionality improvements.

23th of September 2024 - v.10.9.5

  • Added functionality: predefined Concept map layouts for Automatic Theme Styling
  • Improved link to topic functionality animation
  • Updated diagram templates for multiple languages
  • Added functionality: summary and boundary customization for Concept maps in the Theme Editor
  • Added new language: Romanian

14th of August 2024 - v.10.9.4

  • Improved Cloud synchronization functionality

26th of July 2024 - v.10.9.3

  • New topic-dragging mechanism for more accurate positioning
  • Improved multi-topic dragging to preserve user intention
  • Updated topic-dragging visuals to reflect the new position
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the export of diagrams with background images to PDF and PNG

12th of June 2024 - v.10.9.2

  • Improved German translation
  • Updated diagram templates for multiple languages and categories

13th of May 2024 - v.10.9.1

  • Added functionality: possibility of PDF export in multi-page layout
  • Bug fixing: issue related to auto-centering when editing topics with large amounts of text

24th of April 2024 - v.10.9.0

  • Bug fixing: issue related to Styling Wheel layout previews not being available while offline

8th of April 2024 - v.10.8.9

  • Improved data saving for Template Editor

28th of March 2024 - v.10.8.8

  • Added functionality: possibility to include vertical Timelines in other layout types
  • Added functionality: theme structure options for Theme Editor
  • Bug fixing: issue related to saving multicolor styles in Theme Editor
  • Improved Theme Editor diagram generation preview
  • Improved Completed Tasks functionality

21st of March 2024 - v.10.8.7

  • Bug fixing: issue related to exporting diagrams as PDFs and PNGs when using the Drill Down feature
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the dragging of topics affecting the position of subtopics in Concept Maps
  • Bug fixing: issue related to Gantt charts' timeline changes not being reflected in PDF exports

15th of March 2024 - v.10.8.6

  • Bug fixing: issue related to transparent topics' font color over multicolored diagrams
  • Bug fixing: issue related to background color changes not being reflected onto transparent topics' font color

8th of March 2024 - v.10.8.5

  • Bug fixing: issue related to editing relationships/connections
  • Bug fixing: issue related to adjusting connections' position

7th of March 2024 - v.10.8.4

  • Bug fixing: issue related to rendering the fill color from some old diagrams
  • Bug fixing: issue related to import/export functionality within the Theme Editor

5th of March 2024 - v.10.8.3

  • Added functionality: automatic styling for diagrams (new color pallets, custom layouts, and diagram sizing)
  • Added functionality: customizable labels for relationships and concept map connections (edit font, size, style, color)

13th of February 2024 - v.10.8.2

  • Updated the application framework to improve performance
  • Added new fonts: Courgette, Lexend, Pacifico

1st of February 2024 - v.10.8.1

  • Design update: subtle adjustments for a better feel

15th of January 2024 - v.10.8.0

  • Bug fixing: issue related to export slides as Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)
  • Updated translations for different languages

21st of December 2023 - v.10.7.9

  • Bug fixing: issue related to moving topics in Drill-Down
  • Bug fixing: issue related to setting completion level on tasks in Gantt Charts
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the Modified Date shown incorrectly in the Open Recent dialogue
  • Bug fixing: issue related to previewing images attached to Comments or Notes
  • Bug fixing: issue related to maintaining the style of a topic when dragging it
  • Bug fixing: when moving topics in a diagram with a rainbow color-scheme, the color of the moved topics and the original branch did not update their color scheme.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the background of a diagram remaining light when Notes are open, even when having set a Dark Theme
  • Bug fixing: issue related to strike-through not being able to be unselected in the Theme editor

24th of November 2023 - v.10.7.8

  • Improved functionality: Presenter - slides export
  • Bug fixing: error encountered while attempting to access attachments within Outlines and Gantt charts

3th of November 2023 - v.10.7.7

  • Implemented drop shadow on all topic shapes
  • Bug fixing: issue related to drag and drop of slides in Presenter

17th of October 2023 - v.10.7.6

  • Bug fixing: setting black color on a topic's text was not saved in color picker

12th of October 2023 - v.10.7.5

  • Updated application framework to improve performance
  • Bug fixing: issue related to printing Outlines

6th of October 2023 - v.10.7.4

  • Bug fixing: issue related to topic style not being retained after changing to outline/gantt view and then back to diagram view

28th of September 2023 - v.10.7.3

  • Updated diagram templates for all categories
  • Bug fixing: when printing a diagram, the printed file is not opened automatically

13th of September 2023 - v.10.7.2

  • Added functionality: Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram

8th of September 2023 - v.10.7.1

  • Added functionality: when first opening a diagram, if character fonts contained within it are not Latin chacters, corresponding fonts will be downloaded for this character set.

5th of September 2023 - v.10.7.0

  • Bug fixing: issue related to spellchecker not allowing for correct word replacements
  • Bug fixing: issue related to copy/paste functionality using a mouse

30th of August 2023 - v.10.6.9

  • Bug fixing: issue related to the PDF export (with comments and notes included) of mind maps that contain images

23th of August 2023 - v.10.6.8

  • Bug fixing: issue related with unresponsiveness during diagram saving

18th of August 2023 - v.10.6.7

  • Updated the application framework to improve performance
  • Bug fixing: related to breaking text during the markdown export of extensive content within topics

7th of August 2023 - v.10.6.6

  • Improvement to the Notes export in PDF file in order to include full notes formatting
  • Added option: exporting Comments and Notes in Outline and Gantt Chart when exporting as PDF file.
  • Added option: exporting Comments for Mind Map Diagram when exporting as PDF file.

24h of July 2023 - v.10.6.5

  • Bug fixing: issue related to opening diagrams that contain summaries

20th of July 2023 - v.10.6.4

  • Bug fixing: issue related to undo/redo changes made by moving topics
  • Bug fixing: issue related to opening diagrams that contain summaries

6th of July 2023 - v.10.6.3

  • Functionality improvement: Saving an existing diagram using "Save As" will create a copy of the diagram to avoid synchronization issues.

3th of July 2023 - v.10.6.2

  • Bug fix: Issue related to file attachment synchronization from Cloud

28th of June 2023 - v.10.6.1

  • Improved the time for load and interaction in Gantt diagram
  • Bug fix: Issue related to changing the font family

12th of June 2023 - v.10.6.0

  • Improved application accessibility

19th of May 2023 - v.10.5.9

  • Improved the load time of the mind map diagram.
  • Improved the saving of all customization changes made to a relationship/connection from the moment you opened the context menu in one change.
  • Improved panning speed and response on diagrams.
  • Added support to open multiple diagrams from XMind Zen
  • Improvements related to the selection and editing of the relationships and connections
  • Bug fix: Issue related to opening a diagram that contains invalid boundaries
  • Bug fix: Diagrams with a centered background image made the background centered with the diagram size, not the central topic.
  • Bug fix: Gantt Chart diagram's undo/redo command of indent/outdent/moved action used to focus on the root topic instead of the changed topic
  • Bug fix: Email addresses from notes/comments were not being correctly shown in the hyperlink attachments context menu
  • Bug fixed: issue related to pdf and png export of the diagram that contained summaries

2nd of May 2023 - v.10.5.8

  • Added features to Gantt diagrams: search and filtering
  • Bug fix: issue related to creating Tree Organigram and Organigram
  • Improvements to interaction with the menus - easier access to sub-menus

25th of April 2023 - v.10.5.7

  • Added feature to Gantt diagrams - show/hide columns
  • Added feature to Gantt diagrams - customize task color
  • Added feature to Gantt diagrams - possibility to change the completion level of a task by modifying the progress bar
  • Bugfix: issue related to opening a Freemind file with topics that contain special characters such as <, >

20th of April 2023 - v.10.5.6

  • Added new connection ending: Half Arrow Line
  • Bug fix: issue related to auto-repositioning of Zigzag connection
  • Bug fix: issue related to editing the label for relationships and concept diagram connections in the theme editor
  • Bug fix: issue related to controlling relationship and concept map connection shapes in the theme editor

12nd of April 2023 - v.10.5.5

  • Added new relationship types: Zigzag, Single Angle
  • Added new concept map connection types: Zigzag, Single Angle
  • Updated drawing for relationships
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the opening of the Attachments tab of the Context menu on Outlines and Gantt charts for topics where a video item is already attached
  • Bug fixing: issue related to playing an audio from a .pmom file

28th of March 2023 - v.10.5.4

  • Ensure node position remains stable when changes from syncing appear on the mind map
  • Bugfixing: issue related to notes text formatting in macOS - text unable to be set to bold

24th of March 2023 - v.10.5.3

  • Changelog: fix for map export to Microsoft Word when topics have notes with images or videos
  • Updated the application framework to improve performance
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the saving of diagram

17th of March 2023 - v.10.5.2

  • Bug fixing: issue related to the saving of diagram

15th of March 2023 - v.10.5.1

  • Bug fixing: when exporting a diagram as: PDF, Image, Power Point, Slides as Images, Slides as PDF, the local images are not visible
  • Bug fixing: after exporting a diagram as: PDF, Image, Power Point, Slides as Images, Slides as PDF, when returning to saving the same diagram, it remains stuck.

14th of March 2023 - v.10.5.0

  • Updated the application framework to improve performance
  • Added new "Week start" option in Map properties which enables changing the calendar to start its weeks with either Auto/Monday/Sunday (where Auto is based on the user's location)
  • Added functionality: dark theme/night mode for "Open from Cloud" dialogue
  • Added new topic shapes: Top Bottom Margin, Table Rectangle, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Wave Rectangle, Cylinder, Fish Head, Multiple Documents, Component, Shadowed Capsule

2nd of March 2023 - v.10.4.9

  • Bug fixing: issue related to the drawing of boundaries and summaries when expending/collapsing topics
  • Bug fixing: expending/collapsing topics not working in Drilldown
  • Bug fixing: exporting main topics as slides not working for a large number of main topics

22th of February 2023 - v.10.4.8

  • New layout mechanism that allows for more accurate topic positioning
  • Improved drawing for boundaries and summaries
  • Updated mechanism for topic positioning during drag and drop
  • Added option for multiple timelines on the same diagram
  • Allowing combinations of all layout types on the same diagram

14th of February 2023 - v.10.4.7

  • Improved XMind import: included map theme, corrected topic styles (shapes, colours, text), included boundaries and summaries (with respective styles), corrected main topics order and positioning, fixed floating topics positioning, updated symbols (emojis)
  • Improvement of the resize topic functionality: resize topic can now be done by pressing CTRL/CMD key while resizing in order to avoid unwanted action
  • Bugfix: issue related to dragging and dropping images and files into a map

22nd of December 2022 - v.10.4.6

  • Added functionality: filter by text for Outlines and Mind Maps
  • Added functionality: possibility to export only visible topics after text filtering for Outlines and Mind Maps in PDF and PNG format
  • Added functionality: diagram templates for Italian
  • Updated diagram templates for all categories

13th of December 2022 - v.10.4.5

  • Improved time required for exporting a map as pdf, png and pptx.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to presenting slides that contain summary nodes.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to the positioning of boundary label for crossed rectangle type.
  • Bug fixing: issue related to redoing the Insert Comment command on a moved node.

28th of November 2022 - v.10.4.4

  • Redesigned the hyperlink menu.
  • Added multiple hyperlinks on a topic functionality.
  • Bugfix: Activate License and Buy Now buttons didn't work from the upgrade to the premium dialog.
  • Bugfix: issue related to graphic export when having the "Generate the diagram with background color" option unchecked.
  • Bugfix: issue related to the topic notes not being exported in the correct order for PDF export when having a circular layout.

9th of November 2022 - v.10.4.3

  • Added functionality: diagram templates for Spanish
  • Bugfixing: issue related to topic note URLs not working in Microsoft Word exports.
  • Updated diagram templates for all categories

27th of October 2022 - v.10.4.2

  • Added functionality: allow Template input on Summary nodes
  • Added functionality: allow Summary to be included in copy/paste branch
  • Bugfixing: issue related to inheriting text style from multi-color themes
  • Bugfixing: issue related to interaction after deleting all themes from the theme editor
  • Bugfixing: issue related to editing a relationship label
  • Bugfixing: issue related to fit map
  • Bugfixing: issue related to Center Map in drill-down mode
  • Added functionality: Hide Mindmomo and Hide Others options in the editor for macOS
  • Bugfixing: issue related to collapsing topics from the View menu in the top toolbar not working in Gantt chart
  • Added: Hungarian language to spellchecker

10th of October 2022 - v.10.4.1

  • Bug fixing: issue related to custom themes in dashboard

6th of October 2022 - v.10.4.0

  • Updated diagram templates for all Use Cases categories.
  • Added functionality: search in templates.

30th of September 2022 - v.10.3.9

  • Updated diagram templates for all Use Cases categories
  • Bugfix: issue related to creation of Blank Diagrams in languages other than English
  • Bugfix: issue related to drawing boundaries with label

20th of September 2022 - v.10.3.8

  • Added functionality: dark theme/ night mode.
  • Modified the Dashboard and the Create diagram panel (templates organized in use cases categories).
  • Added functionality to create a custom template.
  • Improved drawing of the connections between topic shapes.
  • Bugfix: issue related to moving slides in a presentation.

8th of September 2022 - v.10.3.7

  • Added functionality: setting a fixed size to topics.
  • Added shortcut for close/reopen task and for send chat message.
  • Added new connection ending: double circle.
  • Redesigned the image resize handlers.

12th of August 2022 - v.10.3.6

  • Bugfix: issue related to pdf export on timeline diagrams
  • Bugfix: issue related to summary and boundary in presentations
  • Updated drawing of the connections and boundaries for timeline diagrams
  • Updated expand/collapse position on all diagram types

4th of August 2022 - v.10.3.5

  • Bugfix: issue related to showing the preview of comments and notes.
  • Bugfix: issue related to applying a theme on maps with boundaries.

29th of July 2022 - v.10.3.4

  • Added Summary functionality, available on single and multiple topics.
  • Added new topic shapes: Double Bottom Line, Curly Rectangle, Double Sided Rectangle, Bookmark Left, Bookmark Right, Pipe Left, Pipe Right
  • Added new connection endings: Filled Arrow, Square, Arrow Fletching, Reverse Arrow, Half Arrow, Circle, Rounded Arrow, Rhombus, Double Arrow, Flat Line
  • Updated mechanism for customizing the line connection endings.
  • Updated context menu: reorganize topic shape and change predefined colors

7th of July 2022 - v.10.3.3

  • Bugfix: issue related to changing the connection style when applying a topic style
  • Bugfix: issue related to the pattern and start/end style of arrow type connections
  • Bugfix: issue related to drawing the boundaries for the Org Charts layouts
  • Improved drawing of the connections for concept diagrams

1st of July 2022 - v.10.3.2

  • New add boundary to floating topics functionality
  • Added new boundary shapes functionality: crossed rectangle shape and focus shape
  • Added search for font families functionality
  • Bug fixed related to drawing boundaries
  • Bug fixed related to updating boundary followed by Undo

16th of June 2022 - v.10.3.1

  • Added automatic color highlighting for overdue tasks.
  • Added automatic file detection when attaching the path to a local file as a topic hyperlink.
  • Added topic links in pdf export for diagrams, outlines, and Gantt charts.
  • Bugfix: issue related to concept map arrow getting stuck in the topic
  • Bugfix: issue related to selecting a boundary when searching on a diagram

10th of June 2022 - v.10.3.0

  • Added functionality to include multiple topics in a boundary
  • Added functionality to add boundary label

23rd of May 2022 - v.10.2.9

  • Added dedicated Desktop build for Apple Silicon
  • Update the application framework to improve its performance

5th of May 2022 - v.10.2.8

  • Added functionality to alphabetically sort the subtopics of a topic
  • Added functionality to paste images in the notes panel
  • Added functionality to drag and drop images in the notes panel
  • Improved the loading time for large Outline and Gantt Chart diagrams
  • Bugfix: issue related to dynamically updating search and filter functionality while changing the topic properties
  • Bugfix: issue related to a mom file being overwritten when opening a pmom that has the same name, in the same folder

21st of April 2022 - v.10.2.7

  • Bugfix: issue related to creating diagrams starting from a template
  • Bugfix: issue related to exporting a large diagram as PDF or PNG
  • Bugfix: issue related to exporting a diagram as PNG with 2x, 3x, and 4x resolution
  • Disable scroll animation for large diagrams in order to improve the user experience
  • Bugfix: issue related to exporting diagrams as Microsoft Word Format (.docx) when having unescaped HTML characters in Table of Contents
  • Added new functionality: render topic tasks in Markdown syntax for import and export
  • Added a new option to customize a theme without a boundary border

8th of April 2022 - v.10.2.6

  • Bugfix: issue related to deleting a floating topic from a diagram with a multicolor theme
  • Bugfix: issue related to lifetime license users who logged in with online credentials

4th of April 2022 - v.10.2.5

  • Added Create Diagram from Branch functionality
  • Bugfix: removed template topics insertion entry from map changes
  • Bugfix: issue related to attachment getting corrupted on Delete followed by Undo
  • Bugfix: issue related to opening local files in Linux

18th of March 2022 - v.10.2.4

  • Added option to set the text direction to RTL or LTR when the topic contains RTL characters (such as Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Syriac, and Hebrew)
  • Added option to set the Spellchecker to English (UK) and English (US) for Windows and Linux
  • Bugfix: issue related to drawing connections for large timeline map format

8th Of March 2022 - v.10.2.3

  • Added icon to view template information on topic
  • Updated diagram templates for all categories

2th Of March 2022 - v.10.2.2

  • Improved the ease of use and the design of the templates by adding the information panel connected to the topics
  • Added new options for templates creation to give more freedom in the creation process

16th Of February 2022 - v.10.2.1

  • Faster loading time and interaction on large diagrams
  • Bugfix related with the order of topics when exporting a Gantt chart diagram and Outline diagram as PDF and PNG
  • Updated Electron to 17.x in order to work perfectly with Windows 11
  • Improved the Microsoft Word Format (.docx) export: better look and feel, added options to select what content to be exported, added functionality to generate a Table of Contents, and added functionality to export images and icons from topics, comments, and notes
  • Redesigned the toolbar from the top left corner
  • Improved and simplified the copy-paste branch functionality: now you can use the buttons "Copy" and "Paste" from the context menu to paste the whole branch (including the style)

19th Of January 2022 - v.10.1.7

  • Bugfix related to topic editing when the topic contains RTL characters (such as Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Syriac, and Hebrew)
  • Bugfix related with exporting a Gantt chart diagram as PDF and PNG
  • Bugfix related with uploading files to cloud when the network connection is unavailable

14th Of January 2022 - v.10.1.6

  • Added new topic shapes: Angle Brackets, Double Angle Brackets, Round Brackets, Square Brackets, Curly Brackets, Photo Frame, Upwards Arrow, Downwards Arrow, Triangle, Upside Down Triangle
  • Added new topic connection style: Straight Connection
  • Added option to insert an external image as a diagram background
  • Added diagram templates for Education and Work/Personal usage
  • Added new shortcut for moving topics in MAC application: Alt + ← ↑ →↓
  • Prevented auto-saving a diagram when the application is being closed if the Autosave option is unchecked
  • Bugfix related to the copy-paste functionality in the Login dialog
  • Bugfix related to exporting large diagrams that have custom fonts

20th Of December 2021 - v.10.1.5

  • Added new topic shapes: Cloud, Shield, Heart, Star, Diamond, Tear

16th Of December 2021 - v.10.1.4

  • Added an option called "Hide wiki" that hides the template guidelines panel
  • Bugfix: fixing the issue of automatically changing the font when adding text to a topic
  • Improvement of the copy-paste functionality on the diagrams that have a default branch set: now plain text pasted on the diagram takes the style of the default branch

6th Of December 2021 - v.10.1.3

  • Bugfix: issue with boundary customization
  • Bugfix: issue related to PNG and PDF export formats in the mind map view
  • Bugfix: issue related to opening hyperlinks in Outline / Gantt chart
  • Added the option for FTP and OneNote accessible hyperlinks in topics
  • Presenter: improved editing and navigation with the use of shortcuts (exiting the presentation, deleting slides, presenting a note)

19th Of November 2021 - v.10.1.2

  • Presenter: redesigned functionality, added options to duplicate slide and present notes from slides
  • Text Style menu: displaying font previews, added new fonts (Arvo, Droid Serif, Lobster Two, Montserrat, Open Sans, Raleway, Raleway Dots, Roboto Condensed, Roboto Slab, Kalam, Lora, JetBrains Mono)

5th Of November 2021 - v.10.1.1

  • Added option to view links for any topic title in an Outline and Gantt chart
  • Bugfix: issue with the positioning of the topic title's context menu
  • Bugfix: issue related to importing notes from a Mindmeister file (.mind)

27th Of October 2021 - v.10.1.0

  • Switched to JWT cloud authentication
  • Gantt chart: improve loading time

15th Of October 2021 - v.10.0.9

  • Gantt chart: added option to insert task above and below
  • Updated Shortcuts panel
  • Outline: improved copy/paste functionality
  • Added option to edit the topic title in the Comments panel

24th Of September 2021 - v.10.0.8

  • Apply various topic styles from the context menu

20th Of September 2021 - v.10.0.7

  • Bugfix: several minor issues on the Desktop app
  • Bugfix: issue with dates on Gantt chart

10th of September 2021 - v.10.0.6

  • Bugfix: issue related to copy pasting topics between maps
  • Bugfix: issue related to rendering the predefined themes
  • Bugfix: issue related to mind map filtering

3rd of September 2021 - v.10.0.5

  • Updated the default diagram theme for supported import file formats
  • Added option to insert images into notes
  • Added diagram templates for Education and Work/Personal usage
  • Bugfix: issue related to exporting diagram and Gantt chart as pdf
  • Bugfix: issue related to copy-paste on topics
  • Bugfix: issue related to moving and inserting topics

26th of August 2021 - v.10.0.4

  • Bugfix: on OSX, the application randomly crashed when closing it
  • Bugfix: issue with saving changes when working on the same diagram in different locations
  • Bugfix: adding diagram background image in theme editor
  • Added notification for new app version in the diagram editor

23th of August 2021 - v.10.0.3

  • Added new version notification while the mind map is opened and connected to the cloud
  • Added chat functionality for cloud maps
  • Bugfix: issue related to limitations for free users
  • Bugfix: cloud resources were not included into a new Diagram Pack
  • Bugfix: decrease the size of the Mindomo Desktop starting window for smaller resolutions

17th of August 2021 - v.10.0.2

  • Bugfix: issue related to application closing when using the Quit Dock menu option
  • Bugfix: issue related to opening cloud maps that added duplicate entries to recent maps
  • Bugfix: issue related to switching from diagram to outline view that changed the toolbar language to English
  • Bugfix: issue related to an error when closing a map while synchronizing it to the cloud
  • Bugfix: issue related to the printing window disappearing after 1 second on Windows
  • Bugfix: issue related to the same mind map being open in multiple editing instances
  • Updated translations for different languages

16th of August 2021 - v.10.0.1

  • New, redesigned interface with more space for your diagrams and new functionality
  • More native look and feel for menus and dialogs
  • Diagrams synchronized to the cloud will automatically synchronize when there is an internet connection
  • Greatly improved interaction with the cloud
  • New file format for faster file saving
  • Better auto-save mechanism
  • Introduced an advanced Color Picker with an unlimited number of colors and previously used color saving option
  • Introduced topic deselection
  • Revamped comments and notes panels (normal and maximized)
  • Moved functionality from the left sidebar in the topic’s context menu
  • Improved context menu organization

24th of March 2021 - v.9.5.8

  • Added more mind map templates for Education and Work/Personal usage

18th of March 2021 - v.9.5.7

  • Added timeline map format

10th of March 2021 - v.9.5.6

  • Improved PNG export resolution
  • Bugfix: issue related to PDF and PNG export on large maps

23th of February 2021 - v.9.5.5

  • Added Ghost User functionality.
  • This is an inactive user, linked to your account and can be used only for planning purposes, without being linked to an e-mail address

12th of February 2021 - v.9.5.4

  • Added option to export filtered topics to .pdf, .docx, .txt, .opml, .mpx, .xml, .png, .xls, .md
  • Added option to make a copy of the map showing only filtered content

10th of February 2021 - v.9.5.3

  • Added new topic shapes: Curly, Letter, Stack

3th of February 2021 - v.9.5.2

  • Added option to show the user who is editing a diagram when trying to open it

27th of January 2021 - v.9.5.1

  • Bugfix: issue related to theme editor

25th of January 2021 - v.9.5.0

  • Implemented undo for comments and votes
  • Implemented undo in collaboration
  • Bugfix: issue related to notes for outline maps
  • Added more mind map templates for Education and Work/Personal usage

19th of January 2021 - v.9.4.9

  • Added option to open diagram in view mode while it's already open for editing

8th of January 2021 - v.9.4.8

  • Added functionality for moving multiple topics
  • Added functionality for opening attachments from the attachments' panel with double click
  • Bugfix: issue related to not loading topic style when opening a map
  • Bugfix: issue related to syncing large maps to the online version

10th of December 2020 - v.9.4.7

  • Added option for including topic style when exporting branch
  • Bugfix: issue with export map as Freemind File when topic contains multimedia URL

4th of December 2020 - v.9.4.6

  • Redesigned the open online mechanism

30th of November 2020 - v.9.4.5

  • Bugfix: blocking issue with spell-checker on languages: 日本語, 中文, Norsk, Suomi and Português

26th of November 2020 - v.9.4.4

  • Updated Electron to 11.x
  • Added option to export slides as .pdf

9th of November 2020 - v.9.4.3

  • Bugfix: issue with unchecking the show welcome screen box when starting the application
  • The mind map template will be created without the history of changes

3th of November 2020 - v.9.4.2

  • Improved the "open online" mechanism

26th of October 2020 - v.9.4.1

  • Bugfix: issue with task view on Gantt chart
  • Added PNG export for Gantt chart and Outline
  • Added more mind map templates for Education and Work/Personal usage
  • Bugfix: issue related to the order of topics on the map when exporting to OPML, text, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Markdown and Microsoft Word

30th of September 2020 - v.9.4.0

  • Added import from Microsoft Project (.xml)
  • Added preview for Gantt chart attachments
  • Bugfix: issues related to deleted central topic

24th of September 2020 - v.9.3.9

  • Released new .mom and .pmom formats

16th of September 2020 - v.9.3.8

  • Bug fix: issues with merging map changes synchronized from the cloud

11th of September 2020 - v.9.3.7

  • Bug fix: issue with saving the last change synchronized to the cloud

9th of September 2020 - v.9.3.6

  • Bug fix: issue with saving slides

8th of September 2020 - v.9.3.5

  • Bug fix: issue with editing relationships
  • Bug fix: issue with opening attachments with non-ASCII name characters
  • Bug fix on Gantt chart related to updating the workdays for task management

7th of September 2020 - v.9.3.4

  • Bug fix on Gantt related to cutting-pasting topics
  • Removed underscore dependency
  • Bug fix: if there were no slides created on the map, the download slides process wouldn't work
  • Bug fix: issue with the pack map functionality for multiple attachments

30th of July 2020 - v.9.3.3

  • Update Electron to 9.x
  • Update to ES6

9th of July 2020 - v.9.3.2

  • Added recurrence feature
  • Fixed issue with exporting map to PDF and PNG formats
  • Fixed issue related to the Gantt chart saving mechanism
  • Fixed several minor issues on the mind map

2nd of July 2020 - v.9.3.1

  • Added preview for the comments added to topics
  • Improved map loading time
  • Fixed issue with opening mind maps
  • Fixed several minor issues related to the Gantt chart
  • Fixed issue with exporting map as PDF and PNG

27th of May 2020 - v.9.3.0

  • Added mind map templates for Education and Work/Personal usage
  • Added new topic shapes: arrow left, arrow right, arrow left rounded, arrow right rounded

19th of May 2020 - v.9.2.9

  • Improved mind map loading
  • Bug fixed when executing insert topic actions

15th of May 2020 - v.9.2.8

  • Bug fixed: zoom in/zoom out behavior corrected on application

12th of May 2020 - v.9.2.7

  • Redesigned the dialog for creating new maps, added option to choose a theme for the new map
  • Added new colorful themes
  • Added multicolor themes with different fill and border colors
  • Added new connection style: Angle Elbow
  • Added new topic shape: Drop
  • Added options to set the line format as: Tapered, Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Triple or Arrow
  • Theme editor: Added option to clone themes
  • Updated and increased the size of the icons: Like, comment, notes, hyperlink, etc...
  • Icons are displayed with the style of the topic
  • Removed favicons shown when adding hyperlinks, the globe icon will always be displayed instead
  • Redesigned outline
  • Added zoom in/zoom out functionality on outline

13th of April 2020 - v.9.2.6

  • Added option to set the line color as topic border color
  • Theme Editor functionality (allow to customize extra topic styles)
  • Theme Editor functionality (added options to clone the current theme)
  • Bug fixed when rendering the collaboration label
  • Fixed several bugs on the Gantt chart

10th of March 2020 - v.9.2.5

  • Electron update
  • Fixed: Issue with the Gantt history functionality
  • Fixed: Order of the start and due date reversed on tooltip

19th of February 2020 - v.9.2.4

  • Fixed: The default map task settings cannot be changed
  • Fixed: Issue when searching in the icon panel
  • Fixed: Issue when synchronizing mind maps with locally stored resources

14th of February 2020 - v.9.2.3

  • Direct access to emojis from topic context menu
  • Redesigned shape and boundary tab on topic context menu

11th of February 2020 - v.9.2.2

  • Updated icon library
  • Updated and added categories for icon panel
  • Priority and completion are done with the new icons

07th of February 2020 - v.9.2.1

  • Added functionality to export topic description to Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) format
  • Electron update
  • Fixed: Issue with opening large mind maps

30th of January 2020 - v.9.2.0

  • Fixed pack audio files in map
  • Electron update
  • Notarized Mac application
  • Dropped support for Linux 32-bit

18th of December 2019 - v.9.1.9

  • Improvements on undo/redo notifications
  • Change order of application title
  • Translation to Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian

2nd of December 2019 - v.9.1.8

  • Added the show closed tasks option
  • Added notifications on undo/redo actions on topic

5th of November 2019 - v.9.1.7

  • Updated external libraries
  • Improved map loading time
  • Improved changing start date and due date
  • Bugfix: saving topic description
  • Bugfix: automatically setting start date and due date for new Gantt charts
  • Added export size options for Microsoft Word format

14th of October 2019 - v.9.1.6

  • Fixed a bug in the mind map saving mechanism.

11th of October 2019 - v.9.1.6

  • Fixed a bug in the timeline of the Gantt Chart
  • Bug fixed in the Task functionality

28th of June 2019 - v.9.1.3

  • Implement map template functionality
  • Remove task mind map creation option
  • Add "fit map to window" functionality
  • Improvements on notes panel

07th of June 2019 - v.9.1.2

  • Improvements for touchscreen devices
  • Improvements on insert relationship functionality
  • Fixed: Correctly calculate canvas size for Organigram layout
  • Fixed: Date selector not showing custom date format properly

10th of April 2019 - v.9.1.0

  • Updated task map functionality on mind maps
  • Added hashtag functionality
  • Updated the map search functionality with filters
  • Added option of embedding video/image + audio simultaneously on a topic
  • Redesigned multimedia panels
  • Updated comments functionality to allow multimedia attachments
  • Redesigned topic context menu to include the task functionality
  • Added audio record functionality

12th of March 2019 - v.9.0.6

  • New topic shapes (cloud, speech bubble and speech bubble outline)

4th of March 2019 - v.9.0.5

  • Improved search functionality

13th of February 2019 - v.9.0.4

  • Fixed import issues

22th of January 2019 - v.9.0.2

  • Concept map topics re-position
  • Root spread connection drawing
  • Numbering on organigram maps
  • Multi-branch color functionality on organigram maps
  • Added map background context menu functionality to Theme Editor

18th of January 2019 - v.9.0.1

  • Image from gallery or from personal files as map background
  • Inserting a topic with copied style
  • Option for connection line color to determine topic color
  • Multi-branch color functionality
  • Rainbow palette functionality
  • Customizable topic margins (color, thickness)
  • Variety of line types (straight, arc, rough, curve, elbow, rounded elbow, angle, no line)
  • Customizable connections (thickness, color, the distance between children topics or parent-children topics, anchor points)
  • Variety of topic shapes (rectangle, rounded rectangle, elliptic rectangle, circle, oval, line, capsule, parallelogram, hexagon, rounded hexagon, diamond, left arrow, right arrow, delay, trapeze)
  • Customizable paddings for each side of the text in a topic (top, right, bottom, and left)
  • Default relationship style
  • Variety of topic boundaries (straight line, rounded line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, wavy, etc.)
  • Improved Theme Editor functionality (custom themes for mind maps, concept maps, and organigrams)

6th of November 2018 - v.8.0.42

  • Resources synchronization improved

8th of October 2018 - v.8.0.41

  • Electron update

28th of August 2018 - v.8.0.40

  • Gantt Chart functionality

16th Of August 2018 - v.8.0.39

  • Electron update

16th July 2018 - v.8.0.38

  • Import from .xls, .xlsx
  • Spellchecker available for all languages

14th of June 2018 - v.8.0.36

  • Search functionality available in the Outline mode
  • Multiple instances of Mindomo on Mac

24th of April 2018 - v.8.0.34

  • Improved Theme Editor functionality

14th of February 2018 - v.8.0.32

  • Electron update to improve performance and security.

12th of January 2018 - v.8.0.29

  • Improved ‘Sync & Save Online’ feature to save local maps and all their attached files in the cloud.

14th November 2017 - v.8.0.26

  • Added export functionality to Microsoft Project in an XML format

10th of October 2017 - v.8.0.25

  • New sharing functionality available, Pack Map format that compresses a mind map and all its attached files into a single .pmom file saved locally.

15th of June - v.8.0.22

  • PDF export with clickable links
  • Improved loading mechanism

6th of May 2017 - v.8.0.19

  • MOM lock functionality to prevent data loss - the same mind map can’t be opened more than once simultaneously

20th Of April 2017 - v.8.0.18

  • Introducing Task Outline functionality

5th of April 2017 - v.8.0.17

  • New saving mechanism with .json file - temporary file that is shown when a large map is being saved because saving very large maps can take several seconds

21st of March 2017 - v.8.0.15

  • Improved saving mechanism
  • Introduced saving option without the history of changes, especially to improve loading time for large maps

6th of March 2017 - v.8.0.14

  • New text editor in Notes panel

15th of February 2017 - v.8.0.13

  • Multilingual Desktop - available in 16 languages

20th of September 2016 - v.8.0

  • Introducing Mindomo Desktop 8.0
  • Easy installation, same interface as in the online version, diversified map layouts, and no limitations on importing and exporting files.
  • Adobe Air independent- - -