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My Account

'My Account' panel

To access the 'My Account' panel, click on your initials/picture from your Dashboard, then below on your name, or on the 'Account' section.

Personal Information

  1. To update your personal info and profile picture, go to the 'Personal Info' section from the 'My Account' panel:

  2. To make your information visible in your public profile, check off the box "Show this information in your public profile".

Also, from this section you can update your 'Username' as an alternative login credential instead of the email address.

  1. To change your password, go to the 'Password' section on the next tab, type in your current password and the new password, then click on 'Save'. If you forgot your password or you don't know it because you signed up through a third-party account, use this link to set a new password:

Change your email address

To change your email address, click your initials/picture from your dashboard, then below on your name, and access the 'My Account' panel. Go to the 'Account' section from the left side, then the 'Personal Info' tab, and type in your new email address, then click on 'Change'.


Please note that changing your email address will require reactivating your account from the email that Mindomo will send to your updated email address.

Change your Account Type

As a free user, you can switch to a different account type than the one you initially chose at Sign up. Access the 'My Account' panel by clicking on your initials/picture from your Dashboard, then click on your name:

From the left side of 'My Account' panel, you can set your account type to:

  • Personal/Business
  • Teacher
  • Student

Switch Subscription Type

If you already purchased a package, you can see its details (type and availability) from the 'Account' panel. Go to the 'Membership' section, and select the 'Plan' tab at the top of the screen.

Here you have the option to extend your subscription or to switch to a different type. If you choose to switch to another plan, please contact us at and we will change it for you.

Desktop license

If you purchase an online subscription, you get premium access to the Desktop version for the entire period the online subscription is available. The 'Desktop' tab in the 'Membership' section encloses your license key. To activate the key on your desktop application, you need to copy and paste the license information as it is (Name, Key, Date included, no additional spaces) - otherwise, it won't work.

From your Desktop application, click on the icon selected in the image below, then on 'License Info' to open the licensing dialog:

Paste the license info then click on 'Validate':


You may use the same license key twice: to activate your premium license on your workstation and to activate it on a portable device for your exclusive use.

Login Providers

After you created your Mindomo account, you can connect to different Login Providers to make your connection to Mindomo easier.

To connect your account to a new Login Provider, access the 'My Account' panel by clicking on your initials/picture from your Dashboard, then click on your name or on 'Account'. Then, go to the 'Apps' section on the left-hand side of the screen, and select the 'Login Providers' tab at the top of the screen.

You can connect to all providers simultaneously, as well as easily change the details of one of your Login Providers from this section.

The Login Providers you can connect to are: Gmail, Facebook, Apple, Yahoo, Office365, Windows Live, Clever, Skolon, and SAML SSO.

Please note that a SAML SSO Login Provider is only available with a Team subscription.


Please note that the information used by one Login Provider can only be associated to one Mindomo account. This means that if you have more than one Mindomo account, you cannot connect all of them to the same address as a Login Provider.

Erase my Account

To delete your account, click on your initials/picture from your Dashboard, then below on your name, and access the 'Account' panel. From the left side, go to the 'Account' section, go to the 'Personal Info' tab, and click on 'Erase Account'.


Please note that this option will permanently delete your Mindomo account along with all the data connected to it.

Also, prior to deletion, you can download all your Mindomo data. To do this, first create the file with all the information, so you can download afterwards.

Backup & Restore

Mindomo allows you to download all diagrams you have stored on your account in a ZIP file. You can upload the diagrams back to Mindomo using the Restore Backup feature.

You can find these features in your Account's settings under Backup&Restore: